Thursday, June 18, 2009

Ws Specialized Dolce Elite

first night!

We thee to bed about 21:30, you had slept in, just after the bath given by Papa ...
We lay in stride and fast asleep.
I woke up at once around 1am, I woke up, I went to see you, well you slept peacefully in your basket. I went back to sleep thinking that I had little time.
At 3am, new purchase, and a little girl always wise and sleepy, small arms in the air, mouth pretending to suckle. Redodo for me.
At 5am a little cry, and a small mouth that this time makes me realize that it's time for feeding.

And yes, you have just 15 days and you just did your first night, 21.30 - 5 pm! A perfect little girl!


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