We Sunday, May 31, 22h is I go to bed after a good shower ... We spent the day with family was the baptism of the daughter of my cousin. I am a little tired, I'm 90 km but no more. A good night will do me good.
Denis already asleep, I turn on his side and I feel a little 'sploch' in my belly, like a tear. I think I have a little too forced, I promise myself to rest over the next day ... After ten minutes I feel a warm flow of first light and that inundates the bed.
I understand immediately that the bag of water so it for today! I wake
Denis, he is panicked he told me that 'it is not possible, I slept only 5 minutes!'. I raise the quilt show him the flood and said with a chuckle out of suitcases ...
We need a good time to bring everything together, I'm not bad, I leave my lists carefully prepared to forget nothing. I'm like a flea exitée, tomorrow we'll have our baby, Denis is more panicked, the baby was due in one month than any battery! We are the last pictures of my belly.
It is almost midnight when we arrive at the clinic, we go through the emergency room. The nurse warned just a mom-motherhood arrives. Expectant mothers, it's true AC's weird.
We take the elevator, pool re, re flooding. I am ashamed but I laugh still, it seems that I'm glowing ... long as it lasts!
We arrive in the exam room, use issues, monitoring of a half hour, catheter and a midwife examines me the pass.

I am settled in my room 446. Denis decides to sleep with me thinking that birth is near. The night passes, we sleep as we can, me in bed, her mattress on the floor.
The next morning, new one-hour monitoring, mild contractions, but the cervix is still closed. So I have to walk, move, play balon to accelerate the work.

gynecologist comes to me, luckily it's mine and he is on call all night and the next day he decides to make a trip into the night, at 3am I will be one hour monitoring and if still nothing, tripping at 4am. Meanwhile, taking a shower with Betadine, and I was going into the pocket of the first catheter antibiotic.
I go to bed early, I have a stomach ache, the night will be difficult, I do not sleep, I hurt but I am patient, I watch, every 10 to 15 minutes I am sure the Work is progressing ...
Shortly before 3 o'clock I take a shower with Betadine, I put the blouse 'ass in the air' and I rang the nurse, I'm ready. We will prétravail room, she puts the monitoring and the monitor is left for 45 minutes. The contractions were increased but the neck is still not moving, she decided to call the gynecologist for advice: it starts and you do a caesarean? I returned to my room, new bag of antibiotics and a little soothing, the second day begins after 2 nights casi white, she told me to rest ... I dozed between contractions slightly spaced just 10 minutes, I getting very bad. And I lose all sense of time ... Around 7:00
Denis happens, the gynecologist has taken its decision, going for déclechement, Col air to disappear. This time I'll work room, monitoring, blood pressure, glucose and pocket the syringe trigger.

I will not tell all the details of the morning, but it was very very hard contractions every 2 to 3 minutes, a pass that barely opens (the midwife told me 1 or 2 little fingers to make me happy), 36 hours without sleep and almost without food, I'm exhausted, discouraged, I know I still have a minimum 10 hours, the product release is only 6 IU he will rise to 10. I lose my foot, my blood pressure drops, the heart of the baby too ... I can I claim even more Caesarean section when I did not want.
The midwife decided to ask me the epidural, she called the anesthesiologist told him a pass to 5 on the phone. I thank sincerely for his lie, I'm not really me, I am elsewhere, I have no strength ...
A good half hour later, the epidural is placed, very soon I feel the benefits, the pain goes but I feel my contractions. It is 1:00 p.m.
Denis besides eating, the midwife advised me 2 hours sleep to regain strength, I fall asleep quickly but wake up alarm, my heart rate down again and then that of my baby too. It puts me something in the catheter, I do not understand what I go back to sleep.
I am changing the delivery room, Denis comes back, I feel better, my neck is open to 4! The midwife increases the product release, quickly accelerating contractions but I still feel nothing. She makes me change position so that the baby presses more on the pass and it opens faster.

Around 16:30, the cervix is open at 9 but we lose the baby's heartbeat. Soon, I oxygen mask, the midwife called the gynecologist, place the stirrups, I was draping on the legs and belly. The gynecologist told me that the baby is overdue, it will have to push, I'm only 9 but it will take him out. He asked that prepares suction and forceps. I am a little panicked, I breathe the way into the mask, I am afraid for my baby, I do not push, I had to do my course the next day ... gynecologist explains when and how I push, the midwife moves to my left, my right Denis. I cling to them, a contraction is coming ... I'm going to push 4 times in total I feel my baby out of me but I did not hurt. I concentrate on breathing and some oxygen mask between contractions. I did not realize that the baby is returned with a sucker, I breathe and I shoot!
I feel the baby out and suddenly I see it is high, the cord seems super long, I was laying on the stomach, it made little cries, and plunged his gaze into mine. I think he has big eyes, long fingers, but a very small body, I dare not touch it, I just breathe hard.
We stay a few minutes to watch, to get acquainted, we explain that we are his parents ... The gynecologist asks us
how do we call the baby. We look with Denis, we do not know, we do not know the sex. Denis then lifts the blanket and the baby is a girl, we'll call Lalie. Then the
péricultrice takes for first aid, Denis follows, I stay, the gynecological me my 2 dots.
Lalie and Denis returns, we stay in skin to skin every 3 for 2 hours, the nurse puts in, she knows she head, she is already so much our daughter!

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