Sunday, December 5, 2010

Black Brazilian Big Mamas

Another year will start soon ... HAPPY BIRTHDAY

past 2 years, we had a fabulous adventure that has brought us to our little heart of Vietnam, our Leelou.

We are now the parents happier and that is filled. ; We are fortunate to have in our lives a little girl, smart, sneering, soft but at the same time energetic and interested in everything.,

Adaptation is wonderful, 's is to ask if stakeholders do not put too much in that we Disan months would be difficult to create this famous family bonds. For us, it's simple, it's like Leelou had always been with us and I think she feels it. As I have already read in another blog, this child, I only can not be worn in my tummy but I carried in my heart and she had been there so long, it's as if I had always loved.

short .... the adventure draws to life, our family life is now moving spirit of a new year will start and I'm sure she looks wonderful with our little Leelou.

In conclusion, this is what completes our adoption blog but you can still take a little of our humdrum daily with my new personal blog: THE CHRONICLES OF STEFFY at:

Thanks to all of us have followed and read and I hope you find in my other blog for more adventures ...

Happy holidays to all!

Stephanie Benoit and xxx Leelou


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