Sunday, October 3, 2010

How To Get Clonk Rage For Free

Arrival in Danang ... A

Yep ... After a day and a half in Ho Chi Minh, we left this morning for about 2 hours to Danang for our chip. Arrival at our hotel (which was great because we rented a suite with bedroom and living room, or until it was discovered that there is a bar just below or the bang bang plays in the carpet ... ) ... so, arriving at our hotel, we were told by the representative of our adoption agency in Vietnam that we would have our ceremony tomorrow ... that is to say, Monday afternoon. So goes back tomorrow Leelou the hotel with us and will be officially our daughter ... You can imagine our joy. It is incredible how the .... you know!
In the afternoon we went to eat at the restaurant with our fellow travelers and then dispatch it to the OIG C. ... The Vietnamese Walmart ... there are really everything! Despite everything we had in our suitcases, we still bought some stuff we needed for Leelou and a few things for us.
In the evening, we invited our fellow travelers to our room to enjoy our show and a drink to celebrate our last night of our new couples and family life. We ended the evening in a small .. very small restaurant typically Vietnamese. And already I can say I could eat rice for a while when we get home ... it's been 3 days since I eat rice and chicken for dinner ..... Heehs ... . .. I hope to change soon: o))
So the next time I will tell you ... we will be a family and our little Leelou will be with us forever ....
Until you show it .....

Steph and Ben live in Vietnam!


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