Sunday, November 28, 2010

Isabella Soprano From Cathouse

O Christmas tree ...

Saturday, November 27 we did the Christmas tree, the village and the train! Then fine night before slipping a good night's sleep!

Friday, November 26, 2010

What Can Be Causing The Metalic Taste In My Mouth


E t yes it is ... The children had been waiting a few weeks while this afternoon, bob forced pause before back to school!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Birthday Compatibilites

Surprise on Tuesday morning!

My poupoune gave us a surprise to his grandmother and me trying to stand unaided, alone as much. I quickly ran to get my camera .... and that's what I was able to capture .... but note that later in the day, she remained standing in a good 20sec stand is nothing ..... WOW, I feel at Christmas, there's a piece that will run around ....

ciao xxx

Merilyn Sakova At Mer

Christmas Cookies

Mmmmmmmmmmmm it smells good too! Lorine and Lucas at work of little elves!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Age Of Empires 2.0a No Cd Patch

Piercing ears to Lorine

Great day "for girls", Lorine has been ear piercing, makeup and we bought a nice dress for the holidays, a lot of happiness to share those magic moments both ...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What Happened To Pete And Les

Pure bliss!

Here Now more than a month that we are a family. That we live magical moments with our little Leelou. It's so wonderful that we live. We are in 7th heaven. We have the most wonderful girl in the world.

What amazed us most is that we were so ready to live a little more difficult moments during those first weeks with our chip. It prepares us so much during training of prospective adoptive parents and even during our meetings with the psychologist for psycho-social, at which point the first time can be more difficult to adopt a child because you have to create the link attachment, trust, etc. ... Maybe we are lucky? Maybe we have a girl that fits very well? Maybe I should knock on wood because it does still only 1 month and some days we are together? But everything is wonderful. Of course, Leelou has his little temper, but we estimate it is part of his personality problems with attachment with us. I think Leelou feel how her dad and his mom loves him and what is wonderful is that it makes us that love, which melts our hearts.

Then, update the new talents Leelou:
- Vocabulary:

Mom Dad
Waits (Miss is so eager to have it all at once all the time and we have so many repeated''expects,''... it looks now says itself that word .. hehehe ..)
Sweet (Leelou is not yet the difference between giving a slap to the dog and petting the dog ... then he repeats often "soft''stroking the dog and now ... c 'is what she said ... even seeing the dog ....)

New this morning: Ky a. ...... She tries to say the name of our dog who is Kyra! !

- Talent gestures: Leelou is bravos, turns hands in the air when he sings Mami: So do do do ... small puppets .... Says bye bye with his hand, sends kisses with his hand, gives Kisses mouth wide open,''made with coconut bong''dog, cat, dad, mom, grandpa, mami and all those who request, sticks out his tongue, growls like Marge Simpson and is able to say or is his nose and mouth.

Hey I have a smart girl .... and she has not even a year yet!

We are very proud of our daughter. She is not shy to 5 cents. She is very sociable, sneering, she loves to laugh, loves us to play with her, she is very curious and it fantastic to see the marvel and watch the world around them.

I wish the couple hold the same happiness that we live.

I leave you with the most recent images of our chip.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Who Many Calories In Chow Mein

A final After 6 years ... at school!

Hyundai Santa Fe Remote Programming

Birthday with friends!

Wednesday 8 girlfriends were invited to celebrate 6 years of Lorine, we did a craft, games and ate cake in the shape butterfly, Mom has even made up with glitter!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Original Oster Blender Worth

Interior designer> Vannes Morbihan

Interior Architecture
Renovation - Shopfitting - Decoration
Vannes - Morbihan - Brittany
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> See photo album

We invite you to travel decoration , of interior and exterior.

We design and construction follow unique places, like your house, apartment, loft, mansion, villa or building your business. We respond to all housing projects for changes of shapes and colors.

Our mission is to understand your lifestyle capture your desires for your home or your work space, venues for your well being and vitality. Multidisciplinary and dynamic team, will imagine the future arrangement of your business and lifestyle.

We answer your expectations for all construction projects, renovation, extension, arrangement and decoration, both for individuals as for professionals. We design and follow the steps in the realization of unique places, to vote image interiors that look like you . Whatever your property, castle, house, loft, apartment, company, business, industrial buildings, signs and store fronts.

> next page

more from the pages of our website:
Interior designer Vannes Morbihan
Homes - Exteriors - Extensions
Stairs * - * Lighting

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What Can Happen If You Don't Treat Herpes

2 years of adventure .... to Happiness!

Tomorrow it will one month that we are family ....

After 2 years of waiting, stress, paperwork, preparation, hope, doubt, joy, surprise .... We are a family. And to remember all this time ... I made a video on the adoption of our Leelou ...

(Remember to close the music player at the bottom of this page before viewing the video)


Stephanie and Benoit

Proud parents Leelou

Where Can I Buy A Teasing Comb

Happy Birthday darling! The 6-year